Loudon 911 Mapping/Address Services
Ryan Janikula is the Manager of the County GIS, or Geographic Information System.
The GIS contains every 911 Address and allows our dispatchers and emergency planners to quickly find locations, addresses, emergency response times, etc. to effectively send help to your emergency as quickly as possible.
Loudon County Map Books are available for $50.00 from the GIS Department:
Loudon County 911 - Mapping
100 Mulberry St.
Loudon, TN 37774
-New road names must be submitted to the E-911 Mapping and Addressing office. Please allow ten (10) working days for name approval.
-The E-911 Director and the Mapping Office will review new road name requests.
-New road names that are direct duplicates of existing road names will not be allowed under any circumstances.
-If the E-911 Director and the Mapping office cannot reach an agreement with the developer, the requested road names will be brought before the Road Name Committee of the E-911 Board of Directors. Decisions of the Road Name Committee can be appealed to the full E-911 Board of Directors. Appeals to the Road Name Committee must be made, in writing, to the E-911 Director no less than two (2) weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting of the E-911 Board of Directors.
Please review the following tips to help avoid delays:
-Be as creative as possible when thinking of road names.
-Current road names are available as a printed list upon request.
-Avoid common names such as Tree names: (Oak, Maple, Pine, etc.). Names with "Lake" or "River" are common and therefore poor choices.
-Family names such as Jones Road or Smith Lane are generally not a good idea. Property often changes owners and new owners will be inclined to try to rename the road.
-If possible, submit several choices. For example, if there are two new roads in your development submit four road names. Two first choices and two alternates.
Prohibited Usage for Street Names:
1. North, South, East, West or other directionals cannot be used for a road name.
2. Old and New cannot be used.
3. References to a number are prohibited such as Ten, First, Sixth.
4. Abbreviations of words or names and initials are prohibited.
5. A single alphabetical character cannot be used.
6. Duplicate street names are prohibited.
7. Phonetic duplications are prohibited such as: Jerdan-Jordan, Gem-Jim, Queensboro-Queensbury.
Addresses will only be assigned to plats marked "final". Small changes to plats can be made after addresses are assigned. Adding or deleting lots, changing lot numbers and other major changes may cause errors or problems with the addressing scheme.
Please allow ten (10) working days for addresses to be assigned once plat information is turned in to the E-911 Mapping and Addressing office. Plats that are to be addressed must have the line and curve data (lengths, radiuses and bearings).
Why Are Addresses So Important?
An accurate and easily visible address is vital for rapidly locating a home or business in any emergency requiring fire, life, and/or safety services. It also promotes efficient mail and parcel delivery to businesses and residences. During construction, an address that is posted where it can easily be seen also speeds up the inspection process.
How To Get Address or Street Name Information:
For address information, call the Address Information Line at 865-458-4519 (24-hour voice mail). Be sure to leave applicant name and telephone number.
What if an Address Is Incorrect?
It is very important to have an address corrected as soon as possible. Incorrect addresses can cause confusion, inconvenience, and life-threatening delays in emergency response times. In some cases, an incorrect address can affect response time for adjacent addresses as well. To get an address corrected or to verify the accuracy of an address, call the Address Information Line at 865-458-4519.
Where Should Address Numbers Be Posted?
Having an address clearly posted and visible from the street will help emergency personnel locate a residence quickly.
1. Address numbers must be posted in a conspicuous place over or near the principal entrance or entrances. If the entrance(s) cannot be seen easily from the nearest adjoining street, the address numbers must be placed in another conspicuous place on the building or structure so that the address numbers can easily be seen from the nearest adjoining street.
2. If the building or structure cannot be easily seen or is greater than 50 feet from the nearest adjoining street, the address numbers must be placed on a portion of the site that is clearly visible and no more than 20 feet from the street.
3. The address numbers must be legible figures, not less than three inches high for residential uses, and not less than five inches high for commercial uses. Numbers must contrast with the color of the structure upon which they are placed and either be illuminated during periods of darkness, or reflective, so they are easily visible at night.
General Rules for Addressing:
1. Buildings on the right sides of streets receive even numbers.
2. Buildings on the left sides of streets receive odd numbers.
3. A street address is assigned every one (1) foot.
4. Multiple structures on a lot receive a unique number for each structure.
5. Block numbers are assigned to road sections that extend from one intersection to another.
6. A road name has a base name and a road type (Drive, Road, Lane, Way.)
7. Dead-end Streets are called Lanes
8. Private easements are called Ways.
9. Some streets have directionals like E. Baxter Avenue or N. Central Street.
Please understand that our purpose in developing these policies and procedures is to provide effective and efficient information to emergency responders. Our purpose was not to make it difficult to obtain road names and addresses. Life and death emergencies are measured in seconds. Accurate address information can mean precious seconds when life and property are at stake.
Questions and comments may be directed to the following:
Rose White, E-911 Director
500 John Paris Dr.
Loudon, TN 37774
(865) 458-9081
Please Note:
All existing street names and addresses were grandfathered when the Street Naming and Addressing Policy was adopted. Changes to addresses and street names have been made, and may need to be made in the future, where duplicate street names occurred or when the Post Office, telephone and/or utility companies, or other affected parties brought problems to the attention of Loudon County E-911.
(Policy revised 06/21/2006)
Ryan Janikula is the Manager of the County GIS, or Geographic Information System.
The GIS contains every 911 Address and allows our dispatchers and emergency planners to quickly find locations, addresses, emergency response times, etc. to effectively send help to your emergency as quickly as possible.
Loudon County Map Books are available for $50.00 from the GIS Department:
Loudon County 911 - Mapping
100 Mulberry St.
Loudon, TN 37774
-New road names must be submitted to the E-911 Mapping and Addressing office. Please allow ten (10) working days for name approval.
-The E-911 Director and the Mapping Office will review new road name requests.
-New road names that are direct duplicates of existing road names will not be allowed under any circumstances.
-If the E-911 Director and the Mapping office cannot reach an agreement with the developer, the requested road names will be brought before the Road Name Committee of the E-911 Board of Directors. Decisions of the Road Name Committee can be appealed to the full E-911 Board of Directors. Appeals to the Road Name Committee must be made, in writing, to the E-911 Director no less than two (2) weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting of the E-911 Board of Directors.
Please review the following tips to help avoid delays:
-Be as creative as possible when thinking of road names.
-Current road names are available as a printed list upon request.
-Avoid common names such as Tree names: (Oak, Maple, Pine, etc.). Names with "Lake" or "River" are common and therefore poor choices.
-Family names such as Jones Road or Smith Lane are generally not a good idea. Property often changes owners and new owners will be inclined to try to rename the road.
-If possible, submit several choices. For example, if there are two new roads in your development submit four road names. Two first choices and two alternates.
Prohibited Usage for Street Names:
1. North, South, East, West or other directionals cannot be used for a road name.
2. Old and New cannot be used.
3. References to a number are prohibited such as Ten, First, Sixth.
4. Abbreviations of words or names and initials are prohibited.
5. A single alphabetical character cannot be used.
6. Duplicate street names are prohibited.
7. Phonetic duplications are prohibited such as: Jerdan-Jordan, Gem-Jim, Queensboro-Queensbury.
Addresses will only be assigned to plats marked "final". Small changes to plats can be made after addresses are assigned. Adding or deleting lots, changing lot numbers and other major changes may cause errors or problems with the addressing scheme.
Please allow ten (10) working days for addresses to be assigned once plat information is turned in to the E-911 Mapping and Addressing office. Plats that are to be addressed must have the line and curve data (lengths, radiuses and bearings).
Why Are Addresses So Important?
An accurate and easily visible address is vital for rapidly locating a home or business in any emergency requiring fire, life, and/or safety services. It also promotes efficient mail and parcel delivery to businesses and residences. During construction, an address that is posted where it can easily be seen also speeds up the inspection process.
How To Get Address or Street Name Information:
For address information, call the Address Information Line at 865-458-4519 (24-hour voice mail). Be sure to leave applicant name and telephone number.
What if an Address Is Incorrect?
It is very important to have an address corrected as soon as possible. Incorrect addresses can cause confusion, inconvenience, and life-threatening delays in emergency response times. In some cases, an incorrect address can affect response time for adjacent addresses as well. To get an address corrected or to verify the accuracy of an address, call the Address Information Line at 865-458-4519.
Where Should Address Numbers Be Posted?
Having an address clearly posted and visible from the street will help emergency personnel locate a residence quickly.
1. Address numbers must be posted in a conspicuous place over or near the principal entrance or entrances. If the entrance(s) cannot be seen easily from the nearest adjoining street, the address numbers must be placed in another conspicuous place on the building or structure so that the address numbers can easily be seen from the nearest adjoining street.
2. If the building or structure cannot be easily seen or is greater than 50 feet from the nearest adjoining street, the address numbers must be placed on a portion of the site that is clearly visible and no more than 20 feet from the street.
3. The address numbers must be legible figures, not less than three inches high for residential uses, and not less than five inches high for commercial uses. Numbers must contrast with the color of the structure upon which they are placed and either be illuminated during periods of darkness, or reflective, so they are easily visible at night.
General Rules for Addressing:
1. Buildings on the right sides of streets receive even numbers.
2. Buildings on the left sides of streets receive odd numbers.
3. A street address is assigned every one (1) foot.
4. Multiple structures on a lot receive a unique number for each structure.
5. Block numbers are assigned to road sections that extend from one intersection to another.
6. A road name has a base name and a road type (Drive, Road, Lane, Way.)
7. Dead-end Streets are called Lanes
8. Private easements are called Ways.
9. Some streets have directionals like E. Baxter Avenue or N. Central Street.
Please understand that our purpose in developing these policies and procedures is to provide effective and efficient information to emergency responders. Our purpose was not to make it difficult to obtain road names and addresses. Life and death emergencies are measured in seconds. Accurate address information can mean precious seconds when life and property are at stake.
Questions and comments may be directed to the following:
Rose White, E-911 Director
500 John Paris Dr.
Loudon, TN 37774
(865) 458-9081
Please Note:
All existing street names and addresses were grandfathered when the Street Naming and Addressing Policy was adopted. Changes to addresses and street names have been made, and may need to be made in the future, where duplicate street names occurred or when the Post Office, telephone and/or utility companies, or other affected parties brought problems to the attention of Loudon County E-911.
(Policy revised 06/21/2006)