Frequently Asked Questions
When should I call 911?
When there is an emergency or risk of property damage, call 911. If you are unsure, go ahead and call. It could be an emergency!
Do I Need A Burn Permit? How Do I Get One?
From October 15 through May 15, you must secure a burn permit prior to burning.
Burn Permit Phone Numbers
Loudon City: 408-0408
Lenoir City: 986-9418
Loudon County: 986-8395
Burn Permit Phone Numbers
Loudon City: 408-0408
Lenoir City: 986-9418
Loudon County: 986-8395
Can the 911 Center run a license plate if I provide the number?
No. We are not authorized to release any information from the NCIC/TIES Computer System to the public.
Can the 911 Center run a Criminal Background on someone for me?
No. All Criminal History information is obtained by the FBI/TBI.
Can I speak to a Police Officer when I call 911?
There are no officers available at the 911 Center. The officers may be contacted by a dispatcher to call you back or go to your location to speak with you if needed.
Why Do The 911 Operators Ask So Many Questions?
Our 911 Dispatchers are trained to screen your call in order to send the most appropriate response to your emergency. They ask questions so they can provide you with the most efficient resources during your time of need.
Can I give my child an old cell-phone to use a toy?
If you choose to give a non-working cell phone to a child, please remove the battery. The phone may still call 911 when dialed, or the emergency button pressed, even if there is no longer active service on the phone.
Do you know where I am if I call from a standard land line?
Yes, when a 911 call is received from a land line phone the following information is automatically shown on the operators computer: the address, telephone number, and name of the owner.
Can you find me if I call from a cell phone?
Normally, if your cell phone has a GPS locator, but you must remain on the line. Do not hang up. Even if you are unable to speak, leave the call connected.
I accidently called 911. Should I simply hang up?
No. When a 911 operator receives a 911 hang up call, they have no way of knowing if there is a true emergency, or if it was a false call. 911 operators call back the telephone number to see if there is an emergency, and they always send a police officer to the residence to confirm that everything is okay. DO NOT HANG UP THE PHONE IF YOU DIAL 9-1-1. STAY ON THE LINE AND SPEAK TO A 9-1-1 OPERATOR.
Why does a fire truck respond to medical emergencies along with an ambulance?
When a medical emergency is dispatched, the fire department can often arrive first on the scene, and begin treatment and stabilization of the patient prior to arrival of EMS. This action can make a difference in the outcome of the patient, sometimes saving their life.
Why did I receive an automated call from 911?
Loudon County 911 has the capability to "reverse dial" telephone numbers with a recorded message. This is used when there is a situation that the public needs to be notified of important information, such as Wanted Persons, Hazardous Material Incidents, Missing Children, and Natural Disasters.